Milford Area Insights

Winther Stave & Co

Winther Stave & Co in Milford

At Winther, Stave & Co., LLP we use a team approach. You have a team of accounting professionals at your disposal, not just one person. With specialists in many different areas, we can draw on that breadth of knowledge and experience to help with services ranging from taxes, to payroll, to wealth preservation.

Thee Garage Sale:

Thee Garage Sale: in Milford

An exceptional thrift store located in Milford that supports the programs and services of the Cherish Center. Great selection of furniture, decor, kitchen items, children's clothes, toys and more! Located on 22nd Street in Milford. Just 2 blocks South of Perkins.

Florence Park

Florence Park in Milford

Florence Park, Milford
Located Directly across the street from the Okoboji High School to the East, Florence Park is a wonderful getaway for the kids. There is a lot of play ground equipment, as well as a indoor/outdoor shelter area. This is also the home of many activities during the weekend of Pioneer Days and is the common meeting ground ... after the parade.  Show More


Melanders in Milford

Melanders-downtown Milford
922 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351

New and used kitchen appliances, great selection, wide variety of the top brands. Local, helpful service.

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion in Milford

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion
2501 Boji Bend Dr
Milford, IA 51351

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion offers a LOT.

Facilities Include: Banquet area with a giant indoor rug slide, kitchen/catering, Bar area, Conference Room, 2 Outdoor Pools, Boji Bay Legacy Park Concert area, mini golf, as well as the Clubhouse restaurant.

... One can rent out the pools for a concert, or the Banquet area for weddings/parties.  Show More

Ries Eyecare

Ries Eyecare in Milford

Ries Eyecare
2213 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351
Another eyecare option in the Iowa Great Lakes area is conveniently located in Milford on Hwy 71 next door to Ingwersen Chiropractic and Healthy Living Program Center.

Services provided:
Exams- Comprehensive, Contact Lens, Medical for Glaucoma, etc, Foreign Body Removal, Re... d Eye and Emergencies and Post- operative Care  Show More

Underwater Solutions

Underwater Solutions in Milford

Located in the Iowa Great Lakes, Okoboji - Underwater Solutions provides aquatic weed removal by hand pulling the roots or cutting. Shoreline clean up, ice recovery of snowmobiles and vehicles, underwater inspections & video, intake cleaning, bathymetry, scraping Zebra Mussels. Call them today at 712-260-7818.


OYBA in Milford

Okoboji Youth Basketball Association (OYBA)

The Okoboji School system and basketball program is really blessed to have such a great nucleus of coaches and a system in place designed to really build the children through team work and skill building. OYBA has put together a board and a mission that is really great for the kids and is desig... ned to develop the kids to prepare them for High School Basketball.

Each winter, OYBA puts out teams ranging from 3rd grade up to 8th grade, both girls teams and boys teams.
I am one of the coaches for the 5th grade girls team, we have 24 kids out for basketball, for such a small class, those numbers are amazing.
We put together 3 traveling teams and each of our teams is signed up for 5 tournaments this winter season, the kids love it.

Whether you are new to town or have been here for a long time, if you have kids going to the Okoboji School system and want to play some ball, check out the website, call one of the board members or give me a call and I'll point you in the right direction.
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Mill Creek Restaurant & Lounge

Mill Creek Restaurant & Lounge in Milford

Mill Creek is located on the NE corner of Okoboji Ave (Hwy 71) and 9th Street in Milford. Dine in or carry out. There's something for everybody--daily and nightly specials, too! The staff is friendly and the atmosphere relaxing. Great burgers, sandwiches, pizza and appetizers. A couple of my faves are the Fried Pickle Chips and the Kentucky Bo... urbon Sandwich. Hours are Monday-Saturday, 11 AM - 11 PM (grill open til 10 PM) and Sunday from 5 PM - 9 PM. Have a party in the events room with family and friends. Games for the kids, too!  Show More

Pas and Toale Dentists

Pas and Toale Dentists in Milford

At Pas and Toale Dental we have designed our office to give you and your family a great dental experience that is gentle, enjoyable and timely. We have the expertise to solve any dental challenge that you may have and allow you to get back to living life to the fullest! You’ll quickly notice that our dentists, hygienists and staff are dedicated to...  bringing you friendly service using a compassionate touch. Give us a call at (712) 338- 2449 to schedule an appointment today!  Show More

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Janie Gilmore

Cell: 712.339.0574

Matt Rogers

Cell: 712.330.0604

Kymm Johnson

Cell: 712.320.6737

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