What Is An REO vs Short Sale?

Here's something you might be wondering: What's the difference between an REO property and a short sale?
 An REO property is one that has already gone through foreclosure and is currently owned by the bank, which is trying to sell it to a buyer.
 A short sale is a real estate transaction that takes place when an owner owes more on the mortgage than the house is currently worth and the bank agrees to a sale for less than the full mortgage balance in order to avoid foreclosure. A property involved in a short sale is not bank-owned.
 The number of short sale transactions has increased in recent years, and you're likely to run into homes like this on the market as you view properties. As with REOs, short sales can be complicated.

Despite what you may hear on TV, buying foreclosures is not a get-rich-quick scenario. REOs can offer a way to buy property at below-market prices, but the process is different than an average home sale.

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Midwest Modern Furniture

Midwest Modern Furniture in Spirit Lake

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3735 Hwy 71
Spirit Lake, IA 51360

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Kiwanis Park in Spirit Lake

Kiwanis Park
1100 23rd St
Spirit Lake, IA 51360

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1100 23rd ... St
Spirit Lake, IA 51360

Close to the schools, Fareway Grocery and the bike trails, Kiwanis park offers a Shelter house, access to the bike trail system, good playground equipment, especially for younger kids, grills, park benches, picnic tables and has handicap-accessible restrooms
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