Milford Area Insights

Milford Communications

Milford Communications in Milford

Milford Communications
906 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351

Milford Communications offers Cable Television, High Speed Internet, Telephone Service and different bundled packages. I speak from my experience with them, they have VERY good service and I am very satisfied with the internet service we get at our house.

Milford C... ommunications offers service to the Milford area for residential customers and may be able to help you with Commercial High Speed internet outside of just Milford, give them a call if you want to see if you are in their service area.  Show More

Sunshine Foods

Sunshine Foods in Milford

Sunshine Foods, located on Highway 71, is Milford's only full service supermarket offering Fresh Produce - Butcher Fresh Meats - Deli - Kitchen

Father Daughter Dance:

Father Daughter Dance: in Milford

An annual event hosted by the Cherish Center to promote the importance of the Father Daughter relationship. 2017 event date is Saturday February 25th from 5-10pm at the Boji Bay Funhouse and Pavilion in Milford. $35/Family. Tickets available at the door.


Melanders in Milford

Melanders-downtown Milford
922 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351

New and used kitchen appliances, great selection, wide variety of the top brands. Local, helpful service.

Pioneer Theatre

Pioneer Theatre in Milford

The Pioneer Theatre is one of the area's best-kept secrets. As the owners point out on their website, The Pioneer Theatre is an "historic downtown movie theater with modern recliner seating and family-friendly prices." Checkout the website at for movies and showtimes. You may also buy your tickets and reserve your seats...  online! Located in Downtown Milford, Iowa--just another great reason to come to Milford!  Show More


OYBA in Milford

Okoboji Youth Basketball Association (OYBA)

The Okoboji School system and basketball program is really blessed to have such a great nucleus of coaches and a system in place designed to really build the children through team work and skill building. OYBA has put together a board and a mission that is really great for the kids and is desig... ned to develop the kids to prepare them for High School Basketball.

Each winter, OYBA puts out teams ranging from 3rd grade up to 8th grade, both girls teams and boys teams.
I am one of the coaches for the 5th grade girls team, we have 24 kids out for basketball, for such a small class, those numbers are amazing.
We put together 3 traveling teams and each of our teams is signed up for 5 tournaments this winter season, the kids love it.

Whether you are new to town or have been here for a long time, if you have kids going to the Okoboji School system and want to play some ball, check out the website, call one of the board members or give me a call and I'll point you in the right direction.
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Stan's Bait Shop

Stan's Bait Shop in Milford

Stan’s Bait Shop
2306 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351

Stan’s Bait shop is located on the Hwy on the North end of Milford. Stan’s offers a great selection of products and services including fish cleaning. If you have a bucket full of fish, but either don’t have the time to clean them or simply don’t know how, take them to Stan’s. ... r>
Stan’s also offers guide services and fishing tips.
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Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion in Milford

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion
2501 Boji Bend Dr
Milford, IA 51351

Boji Bay Funhouse Pavilion offers a LOT.

Facilities Include: Banquet area with a giant indoor rug slide, kitchen/catering, Bar area, Conference Room, 2 Outdoor Pools, Boji Bay Legacy Park Concert area, mini golf, as well as the Clubhouse restaurant.

... One can rent out the pools for a concert, or the Banquet area for weddings/parties.  Show More


AFLAC in Milford

Your local agent providing the Aflac benefit and service is Adam Roos (Milford). Aflac offers protection to families with a goal of reducing financial stress through income-loss and asset-loss protection. Aflac insures more than 50 million people. Aflac also offers different Supplemental Medical coverages. You can reach Adam at 712-330-4790 or ...  Show More

True Value

True Value in Milford

True Value-downtown Milford
916 Okoboji Ave
Milford, IA 51351

Very convenient location, especially if you live South of the bridge and need something to fix something at your house? Whether it is electrical, hardware or plumbing, chances are good you can find it here. Also offer key cutting.

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Matt Rogers

Cell: 712.330.0604

Janie Gilmore

Cell: 712.339.0574

Kymm Johnson

Cell: 712.320.6737

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